Multifamily investing


Multifamily investing has been one of the fastest roads to financial freedom chosen by many successful investors. This kind of investing is scalable and syndication allows to start in the game with a relatively small amount of capital. If your goal is to reach a state when you do what you want, when you want with whoever you want – you should give multifamily very serious consideration.


While no investment is without risk, value-add multifamily investing provides attractive risk-reward potential with less volatility and better downside protection than investing in stocks and bonds. Multifamily tends to generate annual returns in mid-high teens vs mid-high single digits for stock (and lower for investment-grade bonds).


With real estate, you own real assets vs paper assets. You control management of an apartment complex you own, expenses, marketing, revenue streams. With stocks (especially non-dividend paying stocks) you are most likely completely relying on a company’s management team and have no say in the way the asset is managed. With bonds, unless a company is in default, you have no control whatsoever.

Multi-family is one of the most successful investment vehicles for building wealth because of these factors:

No investment is without risk, yet multi-family investing provides attractive risk-reward potential with less volatility and better downside protection than investing in stocks and bonds. Multi-family tends to generate annual returns in mid-high teens vs mid-high single digits for stock (and lower for investment-grade bonds)

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